If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment with an Express Appliance Repair London technician, we require that you call to cancel the appointment 3 business hours before the scheduled appointment.
For example, if you have an appointment scheduled for 1PM – 3PM then you would need to notify us before 10AM that day. IF YOU CALL US OUTSIDE OF OUR REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. A scheduled appointment can ONLY be cancelled or rescheduled by speaking to a live Express Appliance Repair agent. Our live agent will provide a cancellation code during this call.
If you fail to comply with our cancellation policy, this will result in a reduced service call fee of $80 plus tax. Also, payment will have to be made within 24 hours of the appointment.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at: